Cool Off with Cucumbers

Doesn’t it seem like you wait all year for a garden to grow and then BOOM – you have more veggies in one week than you can handle (we’re looking at you, zucchini). Today’s recipes are for cucumbers – a mid-to-late summer staple. We have piles of fresh cukes in stock perfect for more than just a garden salad! Here’s three super easy ways to use a bunch of cukes and get that refreshing crisp flavor and texture onto your plate and into your glass fast!

Cucumber Basil and Lemon Syrup 

You can spruce up any seltzer or cocktail with a fun and fresh flavor with a few tablespoons of this easy syrup. Don’t let those fancy mixologists fool you – making flavored syrups is simple!


2 normal sized fresh cucumbers, cut into slices (the more fruit you use, the more cucumber-y it will taste)
1 Cup white sugar
1 Cup water
12-18 large leaves of fresh basil
1 Cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice (or lemon and lime)

Step by Step

1. Combine your sugar and water – either by boiling them together on the stove, or boil water and add 1 Cup to a bowl with the sugar. Stir to dissolve the sugar. 

2. Add your fresh lemon juice, basil leaves, and cucumbers to the sugar/water mixture

3. Let the mixture steep in the fridge overnight, then strain or separate the ingredients and store in a jar or squeeze bottle.

4. Serve a few tablespoons per glass with seltzer, and optionally add your favorite spirit like gin or vodka for a classy cocktail. Garnish with fresh basil leaves.

Cucumber, Tomato and Goat Cheese Salad

Caprese salad gets all the press, but this fresh little salad is a star in its own right. 


2 medium sized cucumbers, peeled, seeded, and sliced
1-2 medium fresh tomatoes cut into 1-inch pieces
1 small log of fresh goat cheese (herbed flavors are welcomed!)
10 fresh basil leaves, thinly sliced
Extra virgin olive oil
Red or white wine vinegar
Salt and pepper

Step by Step

1. Prep your tomatoes and cucumbers and combine in a mixing bowl

2. Crumble the goat cheese and add to the veggies

3. Add a tablespoon or two of the olive oil and a few splashes of the wine vinegar, plus salt and pepper. Mix up and season to taste!

Easy Refrigerator Sweet and Spicy Pickles

You don’t need to know how to can to make yummy fresh pickles. These are sweet and spicy and hard to stop munching on once you’ve started snacking. Great on burgers and sandwiches!


2 medium sized fresh cucumbers, peeled and sliced
1 fresh jalapeno, cut into small pieces
1-2 tsp. Cayenne pepper
A few sprigs of fresh dill (dried works too)
¾ Cup white sugar
¾ Cup water
½ Cup clear vinegar (white, white wine, or rice works well)

Step by Step

1. Prep your cucumbers, dill and jalapenos and put them all into a clean glass jar or plastic container with a lid.

2. On the stove, bring the sugar, water, and vinegar to a quick boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Add the cayenne and let the mixture cool.

3. Pour the brine over the cucumbers and cover the jar. Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator and then serve!

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